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March 7th, 2005

1. Was the US Supreme Court correct in ending the death penalty to minors?
2. Are the Syrians being sincere when they say they will withdraw from Lebanon?
3. Would Bono make a good president for the World Bank?
4. Will the rejection of a minimum wage hike harm the GOP in 2006?
5. Is there any end in sight for the turmoil in Bolivia?
6. Has the pro-American government in Haiti done more harm than good in maintaining order?
7. Does Laura Bush have what it takes to oversee the administration's gang prevention program?
8. Can Sweeney overcome politics to unite AFL-CIO members?
9. Are efforts to crackdown on illegal immigration in Malaysia futile?
10. Can Asia kick cigarette smoking?
11. Is Hong Kong losing its luster?
12. Is President Mubarak's support of competitive elections in Egypt a meaningful step towards democracy?
13. Is the handling of 'Ramadi Madness' video going to force Bush to institute new leadership at the Department of Defense?
14. Is raising the retirement age a viable option to ensure the continuance of Social Security?
15. Is Lynn Swan Pennsylvania's Arnold Schwarzenegger?